Two Hundred
and Forty Seconds
Project Brief
In our fast-paced lives, filled with appointments, meetings, tasks, and checklists, finding time to simply be can be quite challenging. There always seems to be something demanding our attention. Making time for ourselves is crucial. To watch the world flow past us, to see and feel the natural rhythms of this world, to connect with it on a deeper level.
Each September in New Zealand, we observe a Mental Health Awareness Week. In 2021, as the world grappled with the COVID-19 pandemic, the theme was on this topic. Whether it’s a walk in the park or making time to watch the sunset, these small moments can significantly improve our mental health. The idea of taking a few minutes to reconnect with nature resonated deeply with me.
Out of these times of reflection, of reconnection, this project was born. Two hundred and forty seconds. To sit in nature and simply be.
Each image in this gallery has been created to express this thought, with the the exposure times measured in minutes not seconds. Capturing the subtle changes in the world as it watches silently. Allowing you the viewer to enter this hidden peaceful world and relax for a few moments.
Take the time to sit and relax, just as I did when capturing them. Beneath each image you will find an audio player loaded with the sounds of the environment that the image was captured in. If you have a pair of headphones, I recommend using them to further immerse yourself in the environment.