Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex
5 2 minute tracked exposures F4 iso 1600 canon 6d mk 1 and the Canon 50mm 1.8.
We finally had a clear night when I had nothing on. Time for more testing 🙂 This time the lens used was the nifty fifty (at f4 as this seemed sharper than wider apertures.
For the technical details of this image, the image is made up of 5 2 minute tracked exposures of Antares and the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex and the galactic core... F4 iso 1600 canon 6d mk 1 and a nifty fifty. Blended in Photoshop and then processed there....
I lost the battle with the dew
With the cold temperatures it wasn't long before I was battling dew and then beaten by it but happy with the tests. I am glad that now this scene is starting to move into the western sky and away from the glare of the city lights.