Promotional shoot for Spontaneous
For the last 3 weeks, Kelly and I have been doing something different. We have been doing the Intermediate Photography course at UCol as a couple, Working with this talented woman is always a joy, but when we work as a couple we have done some pretty cool things. Last weekend was one of them.
Thanks to a great an unexpected opportunity, brought to us by Robert Stack, we had the chance to work with these talented performers from Spontaneous in the UCol Studio. The image captures a fraction of these comedians talent and was such a fun thing to do. The concept, which we found out on the day, was theirs, and I love it.
“The image captures a fraction of these comedians talent and was such a fun thing to do. The concept, which we found out on the day, was theirs, and I love it. ”
There is so much to photography, and so little of it is about camera settings. It's about being part of a community, helping others, being open to possibilities and always trying to improve. There is so many people that contributed to the shoot that made it possible and successful. So here is a bit of a credit / thank you list. As already mentioned, Kelly, Stacks, the crew from Spontaneous. Gerry J Le Roux for showing me how to use the studio and lights at UCol. Thanks to Adobe for the new selection tools in Photoshop as it made the final putting together of the image a lot simpler than it would have been five years ago. We achieve very little on our own, but when we work with others and in a community, so much more is possible.
Last night Kelly and I went to the 10th anniversary show of Spontaneous and had a blast, great night as always. If you want to catch the next show it is on the 20th of October, check out their page for details.
Have a great week everyone.