Infrared and Architecture

I have always been intrigued by infrared photography but struggled with how to do it. Then in 2020, after spending time with Cath Kelly, it all came together. Like anything it took commitment, and time, but through it I have found a way to capture the world in a style I like. Dark skies, long exposures and with a touch of the surreal.

To do infrared well, I feel you need to bring out as much colour as you can in the infrared image. The colour image to the right shows how far you can take it on an unconverted camera. You can see how this gives me options in the final image that I would not have available in a normal visible spectrum image.

Through using an unconverted camera I get access to longer exposure times, with the filter acting like a 15 to 17 stop neutral density filter. This gives me the chance to remove people from these busy streets. Throw in the chance of glowing foliage and you have a way of seeing the world from a very different perspective.

This is all is part of my Wellington architecture project, you can see the rest of the images here.


Living in Boxes